Case study: Media company
Worked with a pioneering media company across several products to gain a holistic understanding of user behavior and new product growth opportunities
Using mixed methods research and value stream mapping to design an improved customer experience and identify new audiences for services.
Work included: User research (Qual and Quant), Persona development, User segmentation, Value stream mapping to service blue print, and North star development

client feedback
"We learned where customers placed the most value and this was game changing for us in terms of product roadmap. Understanding where customers placed the most value gave us a lot of focus. This opened product marketing to new opportunities and gave us the direction we needed to integrate a new aquisition"
- Chief Product Officer

Case Study
Discovery research created personas and identified the primary use cases, validated with behavioral analytics

Case study
Value mapping shows us where customers place the most value in the product journey. This shows us how to measure for customer value, retention, and right-size the product

Case Study
High level service blueprints enable product teams to evaluate opportunity and impact groups to define roadmaps. In this case identifying gaps in the product portfolio

Case study